Friday, January 24, 2020

Classroom Management Essays -- Education Teaching

Introduction: Structure, praise, humor, firmness, patience, and high expectations: Welcome to the wonderful world of the classroom atmosphere. Imagine yourself in a classroom where your teacher is there for you, both academically and emotionally. That’s how a classroom should work for both the students and the teacher. Mrs. Mary-Kay Maurer is a perfect example of all of these qualities since she is what has motivated me to become the person I am. Her support as a teacher led me as a student to achieve my highest. Her way of showing me my way furthers the idea that students need a teacher with these characteristics to achieve their best. Therefore, the purpose of this research paper is to explore effective classroom management techniques that prepare the academic achievement of students. Support from teachers: A strong teacher makes the emphasis on the students. Teachers make sure they do this by making time for their students, which means having personal meetings with them. When teachers use their own time to help students, it further shows how supportive teachers are. When students know they can depend on a teacher, the students then feel more comfortable in their learning situation and will be more likely succeed. To further emphasize this support of teachers to students, many teachers use a method of ‘Praise, Question, Polish’; which helps to critique students on a comfortable basis. By using this method, students also learn to become more independent when teachers show them, gradually, that students will learn to write better with the ease of criticism. Also, when teachers use academic guidance, students will want to continue their education which is the best reward a teacher can have, knowing their students want ... ...est of the class. Remember: Structure and fairness combined with clear expectations and a clear lesson in a caring non-threatening environment are the key elements of good teaching (Husted, 2002). Conclusion: Teaching today’s children correctly is essential since these children will grow to be productive people of society. Depending on a teacher’s style, a child could grow and look at problems differently than just being apathetic about a situation. When a teacher has an impact on a student, it lasts a life, just like Mrs. Mary-Kay Maurer did with her students. She taught them about English but still let them see how independent they were and let them grow into adults. Today’s teachers need to be more open-minded with students and form a bond with them. This way, students will appreciate what these teachers are doing for them in the long run of their lives. Classroom Management Essays -- Education Teaching Introduction: Structure, praise, humor, firmness, patience, and high expectations: Welcome to the wonderful world of the classroom atmosphere. Imagine yourself in a classroom where your teacher is there for you, both academically and emotionally. That’s how a classroom should work for both the students and the teacher. Mrs. Mary-Kay Maurer is a perfect example of all of these qualities since she is what has motivated me to become the person I am. Her support as a teacher led me as a student to achieve my highest. Her way of showing me my way furthers the idea that students need a teacher with these characteristics to achieve their best. Therefore, the purpose of this research paper is to explore effective classroom management techniques that prepare the academic achievement of students. Support from teachers: A strong teacher makes the emphasis on the students. Teachers make sure they do this by making time for their students, which means having personal meetings with them. When teachers use their own time to help students, it further shows how supportive teachers are. When students know they can depend on a teacher, the students then feel more comfortable in their learning situation and will be more likely succeed. To further emphasize this support of teachers to students, many teachers use a method of ‘Praise, Question, Polish’; which helps to critique students on a comfortable basis. By using this method, students also learn to become more independent when teachers show them, gradually, that students will learn to write better with the ease of criticism. Also, when teachers use academic guidance, students will want to continue their education which is the best reward a teacher can have, knowing their students want ... ...est of the class. Remember: Structure and fairness combined with clear expectations and a clear lesson in a caring non-threatening environment are the key elements of good teaching (Husted, 2002). Conclusion: Teaching today’s children correctly is essential since these children will grow to be productive people of society. Depending on a teacher’s style, a child could grow and look at problems differently than just being apathetic about a situation. When a teacher has an impact on a student, it lasts a life, just like Mrs. Mary-Kay Maurer did with her students. She taught them about English but still let them see how independent they were and let them grow into adults. Today’s teachers need to be more open-minded with students and form a bond with them. This way, students will appreciate what these teachers are doing for them in the long run of their lives.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Abc Electronic Case Study

ABC Electronics Ltd. – A Wrong Analysis of Consumer Behavior ABC Electronics Ltd. was a company established in 1983 by Mr. Manoj Kumar and over the years had emerged as one of the leaders in the growing segment of the electronics and home appliances market in India. Currently it has a market share of 30% of the home appliances market. Its product strategy has been to offer a wide range, right from mono stereo, two in ones and sophisticated music systems to televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, ovens and microwave ovens.ABC’s marketing strategy also included offering the above products so as to match the needs and budget of the middle and upper middle classes. In 1991, Prasad, son of Mr. Manoj Kumar, took over as the Managing Director of the company. Seeing the intense competition in the post liberalization scenario, Prasad was keen to follow the principle that once you have decided on your target customer, you follow him/her relentlessly with attractive offering s. In 1994, he developed a well focused promotion and distribution strategy. The promotion strategy involved an advertising budget of Rs. 0 crores, a special training program for the sales force and offering freebies and various other sales promotion techniques. In terms of distribution, Prasad selected exclusive showrooms and franchisees to display their wide range of products. The location of the exclusive retail outlets was also selected so as to match the perceptions of the consumers as an â€Å"exclusive showroom† for them. However, even after two years of implementing the new promotion and distribution strategy, the sales of ABC Electronics did not pick up to the extent that the company thought it would.Prasad then directed the marketing manager to conduct a study of other retail outlets to know the trend. The results revealed that there was a change in consumers’ perceptions regarding purchasing consumer durables. There seemed to be a preference for purchasing g oods from multi brand, rather than from single brand outlets. Questions 1. Where do you think Prasad went wrong in his analysis of consumer behavior? 2. Discuss the change in the role of the consumer today, as compared to the consumer five years ago.M/s. Tufleather Ltd. – â€Å" Tufcom Shoes† For the last fifty years, M/s. Tufleather has been in the business of manufacturing and selling leather to companies which make leather shoes and other related products. In the post liberalization period, i. e. , from 1991 onwards, the company was contemplating entering the shoe manufacturing industry, primarily because the Government was giving substantial support to this industry, particularly to firms that were export oriented.With the intention of selling shoes, the company set up its own factory with R & D facilities in Hosur, Tamil Nadu. In 1993, the company’s R & D department developed a material â€Å"Tufcom†, which it claimed had properties of shoe material permeability, strength, flexibility and durability. The company also set up a sub unit to produce shoes with this new material and conducted test marketing to gauge the initial response. The pilot study indicated positive consumer response.Based on the test marketing results, the company set up a large plant with a huge investment and entered into tie ups with reputed shoe manufacturers to buy the new material and make attractive shoe models. They also planned to have an in-house trained team of sales people who would visit the shoe retail outlets and train their sales persons on how to sell shoes. Tufleather also helped the shoe manufacturing companies by providing point of purchase and advertising materials for a nationwide advertising campaign.The company developed a premium pricing strategy for the Tufcom material, based on the consumer perceptual process – the belief that high price is an indicator of high quality. They felt that Tufcom offered quality that was superior to leather in terms of durability and ease of care. After adopting a skimming pricing strategy, the company would later consider penetrating the lower priced shoe market segment. While the first year after the launch of Tufcom shoes showed positive results, sales began to fall drastically after that.Feedback from their sales team indicated that high price buyers did not get motivated by the factors emphasized by Tufleather, namely durability and ease of care. In addition, some complaints were received from buyers of Tufcom shoes that they found the shoes unusually warm. Questions 1. Where do you think the company went wrong in analyzing consumer shoe buying behavior? 2. Do you think the company should identify a new buyer market, namely the lower priced shoe market segment?

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

My Struggles and Lack of College Readiness - 1075 Words

For many, their first semester in college is characterized by the excitement of leaving home for the first time, collegiate activities, and a small amount of academically induced stress. To the well prepared—the people who worked hard, and had the intelligence, to do will in high school—the first semester of college is just a review concepts already mastered. My story is different. I grew up in a small town in Maine, and we had a few teachers that may not have been the best representation of our public education system. I was having trouble learning to read in the first grade. My teacher informed my parents that I would probably never learn to read, and that I should be encouraged to take a manual labor job. My parents didn’t have a college education, but they did have their own philosophy about how children should learn. Their solution was to allow me to follow my interest and allow me to develop academically through pursuing those interests. I don’t think they really expected me to go to college, nor was it important to them. I learned to read when I got interested in the Hardy Boy Mystery series. I never wrote a paper or studied any formal subject past the fifth grade, when I started working full-time at a local dairy farm. My parents were not happy with the arrangement, but they allowed me to persist. I spent my free time fishing and hunting—not the best college preparatory activities. When I was nineteen, I decided I wanted to go to college. What I probably shouldShow MoreRelatedMy Strengths And Weaknesses1254 Words   |  6 PagesOver my education, I have gone through easy and rough patches with some years being fun, engaging, and I learned a lot. There were years that seemed like I stood in place. By being enrolled in more challenging classes like College Credit Plus (CCP), AP, and IB class I have discovered that as a learner I have varied strengths and weaknesses. 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